Interesting article over at SFGate detailing how Steve Jobs studies early Sony product development culture and Zen-like approach to design:
“It was very nearly fetishistic, in fact — he even had a collection of Sony letterhead and marketing materials,” laughs Deutschman. “Sony was a company that Jobs instinctively admired and saw as model from the very beginning. So it’s been an interesting transformation over time, to see Apple supplant Sony as the center of the consumer technology universe.”
Early Sony would wait, miss first-mover advantage, take their time and only release breakthrough, revolutionary products that could own a category, like Trinitron televisions and the Walkman. That Sony has faded away. (I covered this year’s CES Sony presser for Android Central and… yeah, it wasn’t good). But Apple under Steve Jobs has taken its place:
“I was at a party last night in central Tokyo that happened to have a bunch of twentysomething guests,” […]
Read the original post by Rene Ritchie