Dell Home takes 30% off select monitors via coupon code “BWMHLGDHF9CP3R”. That’s among the largest percent-off coupons we’ve seen for these items from Dell Home this year. Orders over $49 receive free shipping. Sales tax is added where applicable. Of note, it replaces existing markdowns, which may already give a larger discount. Coupon ends July 28 or after 4,000 uses. Some best bets, with prices after coupon:
Dell ST2310 23″ 1080p Widescreen LCD Display (pictured) for $160.30
Dell ST2410 24″ 1080p Widescreen LCD Display for $181.30
Dell SX2210T 22″ 1080p Multi-Touch LCD Display w/ Webcam for $279.30
browse more monitors at Dell Home (not all are eligible for the discount)
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