Rite Aid offers an 8×10″ photo collage for free via the directions below. That’s a savings of $3 and the best such offer we’ve seen from Rite Aid. Sales tax is added where applicable. You can have it shipped, but the best bet is to visit a local Rite Aid to pick it up. It’s typically ready in one hour. Deal ends July 10. To get this deal:
Click here to get started
click “Learn more about days service” (located under “Days – Four Day In-Store Service”)
click “login” or “register”
click “Shop Now” (blue button)
upload or select your photos
click “Days: Get It In Days” (on the left)
click “Specialty Prints”, then “Collage Prints”
select 8×10 collage, choose your format, and then proceed to checkout
apply coupon code “FREECOLLAGE” at checkout to make it free
Read the original post by dealmac.com